Now that you've visited our website and picked up your FREE digital download, here's how to get the print result at home.
One of the great things about digital artwork is that it’s easy to print at home. All you need is a printer and some photo paper.
Here are a few tips for getting the best results:
First, make sure your printer is set up correctly. Check the settings to ensure the quality is “high” or “best.” This will help to prevent any pixelation or blurriness in the final print.
Next, choose the right type of photo paper. If you’re printing on a glossy surface, use glossy photo paper. Otherwise, you’ll likely see smudging or smears. If you’re printing on a matte surface, use matte photo paper.
Finally, pay attention to resolution. When working with digital files, it’s easy to forget that they need to be high-resolution to print well. Check the file size before printing; if it’s too small, the print will be grainy.
By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to create beautiful prints of your digital artwork at home. So if you haven't already picked up your FREEBIE, go now.